Xiaomi Redmi Pad Pro 6GB+128GB Szary
SKU redmi-pad-pro-128gb
Ważne informacje:
Lokalizacja: | Azja |
Możliwość zwrotu: | Tak, w ciągu 14 dni do magazynu w USA / Wielkiej Brytanii lub UE |
Długość gwarancji | 12 miesięcy |
Przedłużenie gwarancji: | Na warunkach promocyjnych do 24 miesięcy (przy kasie) |
Rom: | Chiński (angielski + chiński, możliwe Google Apps) |
Czas realizacji naprawy gwarancyjnej od | 4 tygodni 6 tygodni |
Czas realizacji naprawy gwarancyjnej do | 12 tygodni |
Inne warianty lub akcesoria
315,99 $
+ możliwy podatek
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Obejrzyj toDostępne terminy dostawy:
od 7 Do 22 dni robocze (kliknij po kalendarz)
Orientacyjny termin dostawy
Orientacyjny termin realizacji zamówienia:
: Termin ten został wyliczony dla przelewu zaksięgowanego na następny dzień roboczy po stronie zamówienia lub przy wyborze płatności poborniowej. Jeśli Twoje przelew zostanie zaksięgowany później, termin może ulec opóźnieniu.
Sprawdź czy zapłacisz podatek Podatek zależy od miejsca wysyłki i rodzaju deklaracji, czasami można go zminimalizować lub uniknąć. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w Centrum pomocy
zamówienie na wysokiej klasy telefon komórkowy
Moje zamówienie na wysokiej klasy telefon komórkowy zostało wysłane stosunkowo szybko i dotarło bezpiecznie. Jestem zadowolony.
zamówienie na wysokiej klasy telefon komórkowy
Moje zamówienie na wysokiej klasy telefon komórkowy zostało wysłane stosunkowo szybko i dotarło bezpiecznie. Jestem zadowolony.
(Klient, który kupił przedmiot o wartości ponad 800 EUR na jego rynku, NIE użyje nas ponownie, ponieważ zapłacił 150 EUR mniej - 659 EUR)
Bardzo, bardzo powolna obsługa, czas dostawy wynosił 1 miesiąc, zajęło 2. Śledzenie Twojej przesyłki z Chin nie było zbyt jasne. A potem musieliśmy zapłacić około 90 € za odprawę celną, zanim w ogóle otrzymaliśmy paczkę. NIE użyje Bludiode. Ponownie
(Klient, który kupił przedmiot o wartości ponad 800 EUR na jego rynku, NIE użyje nas ponownie, ponieważ zapłacił 150 EUR mniej - 659 EUR)
Bardzo, bardzo powolna obsługa, czas dostawy wynosił 1 miesiąc, zajęło 2. Śledzenie Twojej przesyłki z Chin nie było zbyt jasne. A potem musieliśmy zapłacić około 90 € za odprawę celną, zanim w ogóle otrzymaliśmy paczkę. NIE użyje Bludiode. Ponownie
Produkt jest świetny. Oryginalne, fabrycznie nowe i działające od razu po wyjęciu z pudełka Dostawa była świetna z DHL Dokumenty celne były w porządku - więc nie było problemów
Produkt jest świetny. Oryginalne, fabrycznie nowe i działające od razu po wyjęciu z pudełka Dostawa była świetna z DHL Dokumenty celne były w porządku - więc nie było problemów
(Klient, który przedmiot o wartości ponad 750 EUR na rynku, nazywa nas nierzetelnymi, ponieważ zapłacił u nas prawie 100 EUR mniej - 679 EUR)
Musiałem zapłacić 179 euro cła, ponieważ zgłoszono telefon o wartości mniejszej niż 150 euro, a kosztował mnie ponad 500 euro. Strona Mało wiarygodna.
(Klient, który przedmiot o wartości ponad 750 EUR na rynku, nazywa nas nierzetelnymi, ponieważ zapłacił u nas prawie 100 EUR mniej - 679 EUR)
Musiałem zapłacić 179 euro cła, ponieważ zgłoszono telefon o wartości mniejszej niż 150 euro, a kosztował mnie ponad 500 euro. Strona Mało wiarygodna.
Wszystko idzie dobrze
Początkowo występował mały problem z wyświetlaniem historii zamówień na stronie internetowej. Na początku byłem trochę zaniepokojony, a teraz został naprawiony, wygląda na to, że personel go zaktualizował. Czuję ulgę, wiedząc, że wszystko idzie dobrze. Doceniam okazane wsparcie. Dziękuję bardzo. Serdeczne pozdrowienia
Wszystko idzie dobrze
Początkowo występował mały problem z wyświetlaniem historii zamówień na stronie internetowej. Na początku byłem trochę zaniepokojony, a teraz został naprawiony, wygląda na to, że personel go zaktualizował. Czuję ulgę, wiedząc, że wszystko idzie dobrze. Doceniam okazane wsparcie. Dziękuję bardzo. Serdeczne pozdrowienia
(Klient, którego przewidywany termin realizacji zamówienia przypada za 23 dni, skarży się, że nie otrzymał jeszcze śledzenia, chce też, żebyśmy pracowali 24h/dobę (jak napisał w e-mailu)
15 czerwca 2024 roku zamówiłem i zapłaciłem za Vivo X100 Ultra. Do dziś nie mam informacji czy telefon w ogóle został wysłany i co się dzieje z moją przesyłką o wartości 4400 zł. Nie odpisują na maile i nie odpisują na inne wiadomości. Obawiam się, że to oszuści i wkrótce zgłoszę to na policję. Po opłaceniu zamówienia nagle brak kontaktu.
(Klient, którego przewidywany termin realizacji zamówienia przypada za 23 dni, skarży się, że nie otrzymał jeszcze śledzenia, chce też, żebyśmy pracowali 24h/dobę (jak napisał w e-mailu)
15 czerwca 2024 roku zamówiłem i zapłaciłem za Vivo X100 Ultra. Do dziś nie mam informacji czy telefon w ogóle został wysłany i co się dzieje z moją przesyłką o wartości 4400 zł. Nie odpisują na maile i nie odpisują na inne wiadomości. Obawiam się, że to oszuści i wkrótce zgłoszę to na policję. Po opłaceniu zamówienia nagle brak kontaktu.
Często Zadawane Pytania
Terminy dostaw podane są na każdej stronie produktu, pod nazwą produktu. Kiedy klikniesz daty, pojawi się kalendarz.
PO ZŁOŻENIU ZAMÓWIENIA: Te terminy są również dostępne w Twojej strefie klienta -> historia zamówień oraz w wiadomości e-mail z potwierdzeniem zamówienia.
Cena produktu jest ostateczna, jednak przekroczenie granicy Twojego kraju może wiązać się z kosztami, w zależności od rodzaju złożonej deklaracji. Możesz poprosić nas o dowolne zgłoszenie celne podczas procesu składania koszyka, możesz wpisać tę wartość w polu „Zgłoszenie celne” lub „Uwagi”. Czasami jednak organy celne nie będą respektować tych wartości, więc dobrze jest być przygotowanym na zapłacenie podatku krajowego, gdy paczka dotrze.
W UE i Wielkiej Brytanii zapłacisz podatek VAT w swoim kraju od zadeklarowanej wartości (np. 20% w Wielkiej Brytanii) + niewielkie opłaty celne w zależności od metody dostawy, o szczegóły zapytaj lokalną agencję celną DHL, Fedex lub UPS.
Jeśli jesteś obywatelem/podmiotem europejskim i posiadasz numer EORI, możesz odliczyć ten podatek później.
Klienci/podmioty z USA nie płacą podatku.
W większości przypadków możemy wysłać do Twojego kraju, możesz sprawdzić koszt po dodaniu wybranego produktu do koszyka (nie jest wymagany zakup).
Szanowni Państwo, ten produkt jest fabrycznie odblokowany, powinien działać w twoim kraju. Jeśli jest to smartfon lub model GSM, warto porównać jego częstotliwości LTE/5G z częstotliwościami LTE/5G Twojej sieci, aby potwierdzić kompatybilność zasięgu (są one wymienione w opisie produktu). Jeśli nie ma tam częstotliwości, prosimy o kontakt.
Spis zawartości opakowania zwykle znajduje się na końcu opisu produktu.
Sprawdź naszą pełną sekcję Pytania i odpowiedzi
Aktualizacje OTA najprawdopodobniej będą działać na większości urządzeń zakupionych w naszym serwisie i nie powinny zmieniać stanu systemu np. usuwanie aplikacji wielojęzycznych i Google.
Są jednak urządzenia, na których OTA nie będzie działać, zazwyczaj informujemy o tym na stronie produktu, w sekcji „ROM”. Jeśli nie będziesz w stanie dokonać automatycznych aktualizacji, zawsze możesz spróbować dokonać ręcznej aktualizacji systemu, co może wymagać pewnych umiejętności lub narzędzi (np. ADB) zainstalowanych na twoim komputerze. Może także usunąć dostosowania systemu zainstalowane przed np. obsługa wielu języków. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, możesz zadać nam pytanie na stronie produktu.
NFC najprawdopodobniej będzie działać na większości urządzeń zakupionych w naszym serwisie.
Wyjątkiem są niektóre, ale nie wszystkie, urządzenia sprzedawane z odblokowanym bootloaderem, ze względu na globalną instalację romu, np. Xiaomi . Niektóre inne urządzenia z zainstalowanym romem Global na oryginalnym romie i odblokowanym bootloaderem nie powinny mieć problemów z płatnościami NFC - np. Urządzenia Realme . Root może również spowodować, że aplikacje bankowe NFC nie będą działać, jednak nasz sklep w chwili obecnej nie sprzedaje w ogóle urządzeń zrootowanych (stan na styczeń 2024).
Jeśli masz wątpliwości, czy Twoje urządzenie będzie obsługiwać płatności NFC, każdorazowo zadawaj nam pytania dotyczące produktu dostępne na stronie produktu lub sprawdzaj pytania innych klientów na dole strony produktu.
14 dni na zwroty
Lokalnie - na adresy w Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech lub USA (z wyjątkami)
12 + 12 miesięcy gwarancji
Bezpłatna gwarancja do 24 miesięcy na wybrane produkty (Sprawdź wymagania)
100% oryginalne
Tylko oryginalne, *nie* odnowione produkty
Witamy na Bludiode.com Jesteśmy sprzedawcą elektroniki mobilnej od 2014 roku, oferujemy głównie smartfony, tablety i akcesoria. Nasi klienci mają prawo do zwrotu produktu lokalnie (USA, Wielka Brytania, UE) i skorzystać z gwarancji do 24 miesięcy. Wszystkie produkty sprzedawane na naszej stronie pochodzą prosto od producentów, są oryginalne i objęte gwarancją. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej kliknij "O nas" w stopce strony.
Sprawdź również te produkty dostępne w lokalnym magazynie:
SZYBKA DOSTAWA - OPPO Reno 10 Pro Plus + 16 GB + 512 GB Fioletowy
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SZYBKA DOSTAWA - Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 6GB+128GB Niebieski
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Opis produktu
Ecological interconnection and long battery life on the large screen
12.1-inch eye-friendly large screen | Xiaomi Surging OS | Eco Accessories | Mi Education Center
Love to explore the world, but also want to amaze the world
The new 12.1-inch 2.5K ultra-clear eye protection large screen
gives big ideas more room
to play10000mAh ultra-long battery life, Xiaomi surging OS,
a full set of ecological accessories, flagship interconnection experience is super popular
The new 12.1-inch 2.5K ultra-clear eye protection large screen
gives big ideas more room
to play10000mAh ultra-long battery life, Xiaomi surging OS,
a full set of ecological accessories, flagship interconnection experience is super popular
Your first Pro
with the Redmi Pad Pro
with the Redmi Pad Pro
* Eco accessories in the tablet need to be purchased separately.
* The educational resources displayed on this page need to follow the voluntary platform rules and open the corresponding membership separately.
* The product enters deep sleep mode for a maximum standby period of 56.7 days, the data comes from Xiaomi Labs, and the actual data may vary due to differences in the test environment.
* The certification of juvenile protection products is based on the Technical Specifications for the Certification of Juvenile Protection on Smart Mobile Terminals.
* The all-in-one body refers to the back cover of the product, excluding the camera deco, buttons, card slots, etc.
* The first refers to the active stylus developed by Redmi for the first time for tablets, as well as a double-sided case for Bluetooth keyboards for tablets. It does not refer to other smart pens and pen products that are not Redmi tablets, or external mechanical Bluetooth keyboards for computers and laptops.
* The typical battery capacity is 10000mAh and the battery capacity rating is 9800mAh.
* 33W wired charging refers to the output power of the charger, and the actual power may vary slightly depending on the environment.
* The educational resources displayed on this page need to follow the voluntary platform rules and open the corresponding membership separately.
* The product enters deep sleep mode for a maximum standby period of 56.7 days, the data comes from Xiaomi Labs, and the actual data may vary due to differences in the test environment.
* The certification of juvenile protection products is based on the Technical Specifications for the Certification of Juvenile Protection on Smart Mobile Terminals.
* The all-in-one body refers to the back cover of the product, excluding the camera deco, buttons, card slots, etc.
* The first refers to the active stylus developed by Redmi for the first time for tablets, as well as a double-sided case for Bluetooth keyboards for tablets. It does not refer to other smart pens and pen products that are not Redmi tablets, or external mechanical Bluetooth keyboards for computers and laptops.
* The typical battery capacity is 10000mAh and the battery capacity rating is 9800mAh.
* 33W wired charging refers to the output power of the charger, and the actual power may vary slightly depending on the environment.
The world's
first "Harry Potter" co-branded tablet
first "Harry Potter" co-branded tablet
Hogwarts Start-Up Theme Host
IP Design Accessories | Customized gift box
IP Design Accessories | Customized gift box
A full set of eco-accessories
Redmi's first active penRedmi's
first tablet Bluetooth keyboard
first tablet Bluetooth keyboard
PAD is optimized for
smooth interconnection in multiple scenarios
smooth interconnection in multiple scenarios
Communication Sharing|Application Handoff| PC secondary screen
one-piece body
one-piece body
Corning ® Gorilla ® Glass
has more than 30 quality tests
has more than 30 quality tests
10000mAh large power
Up to 56.7 days of standby*
Fast charging
12.1-inch flagship large eye protection screen
2.5K Ultra HD resolution | 120Hz multi-stop refresh rate | The first Xiaomi Tsingshan Eye Care Tablet|Triple TÜV Rheinland Eye Care Certified
Pro-level hardware
for Pro-level performance
for Pro-level performance
12.1-inch 2.5K ultra-clear
flagship eye protection screen
flagship eye protection screen
Dolby Vision
Highest brightness
Multi-gear variable refresh
HD quality
Flagship large screen
The 12.1-inch flagship-level screen with a classic 16:10 aspect ratio brings a more comfortable large-screen experience whether you are reading, gaming, or watching movies. 2.5K ultra-clear resolution, PPI up to 249, delicate and clear picture details, no matter how you look at it, it is a pro-level performance.
is the big picture
is the big picture
Redmi Pad Pro
33% increase in screen area compared to Redmi Pad
With an adaptive refresh rate of 120Hz and a brightness of up to 600nit, the screen display is smooth and stable, whether you are watching sports games
or experiencing racing games.
or experiencing racing games.
120Hz flagship class to
see smoothly and do it smoothly
see smoothly and do it smoothly
High brush highlighting
* Only some apps and video platforms support 120Hz, true frame rate performance depends on the specific application.
* The refresh rate varies depending on the scenario, or it can be automatically switched according to the specific situation.
* Test data such as picture smoothness, screen brightness, and no frame drops are from Xiaomi Labs, and the comparison object is Redmi Pad, and the actual usage is slightly different due to different environments and different subjective feelings.
* The refresh rate varies depending on the scenario, or it can be automatically switched according to the specific situation.
* Test data such as picture smoothness, screen brightness, and no frame drops are from Xiaomi Labs, and the comparison object is Redmi Pad, and the actual usage is slightly different due to different environments and different subjective feelings.
Smooth visual effects Frame by frame like a blockbuster
50% increase in maximum brightness
Hardware-level low blue light
Anti-blue light, no eye damage
Ambient color temperature sensing
Color temperature + illuminance two-dimensional sensing
Full DC dimming
No flicker, more eye protection
Rheinland Rhythm Friendly Certification
Rheinland Rhythm Friendly Certification
Rheinland flicker-free certification
Rheinland flicker-free certification
Rheinland hardware-level low blue light certification
Rheinland hardware-level low blue light certification
TÜV Rheinland triple certification
The first Xiaomi Tsingshan Eye Care Tablet
Vision Health Friendliness S++ Certified
Triple TÜV Rheinland Eye Care Certification
Vision Health Friendliness S++ Certified
Triple TÜV Rheinland Eye Care Certification
Based on the concept of "medical-engineering integration" of Xiaomi Tsingshan Eye Care, the tablet has passed the S++ certification of visual health friendliness certification of the China Quality Certification Center, as well as the TÜV Rheinland triple eye protection certification. Multiple eye protection protection, the whole family can use it for a long time without getting tired, comfortable and burden-free.
"Xiaomi Tsingshan Eye Care" is an innovative eye care solution
* S++ certification is certified by China Quality Certification Center, and according to the CQC/PV12001.1-2023 standard formulated by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University, this product is not a medical device product and does not have therapeutic functions.
* Rheinland hardware-level low blue light certification certificate number: Q 50625248 ; Rheinland flicker-free certification certificate number: Q 50625246 ; Rheinland Rhythm Friendly Certificate No.: Q 50624996 .
* Rheinland low blue light certification test conditions: The screen display effect has passed the Rheinland low blue light test (excluding the color temperature adjustment part). This product is not a medical device and has no therapeutic function. The energy reduction of the blue light source varies with different wavelengths, please refer to the
actual use effect.
* Rheinland hardware-level low blue light certification certificate number: Q 50625248 ; Rheinland flicker-free certification certificate number: Q 50625246 ; Rheinland Rhythm Friendly Certificate No.: Q 50624996 .
* Rheinland low blue light certification test conditions: The screen display effect has passed the Rheinland low blue light test (excluding the color temperature adjustment part). This product is not a medical device and has no therapeutic function. The energy reduction of the blue light source varies with different wavelengths, please refer to the
actual use effect.
The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) and
the Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University
have jointly developed a new standard for the integration of medicine and engineering in vision health
the Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University
have jointly developed a new standard for the integration of medicine and engineering in vision health
China Quality Certification Center
Visual Health Friendliness S++ Certification
Visual Health Friendliness S++ Certification
The rare 10,000mAh long-cycle battery in the same class, with the self-developed power-saving algorithm, can provide an ultra-long standby time of 56.7 days* in deep sleep mode. Even after 1,000 charge cycles, the battery remains at 80% capacity.
*The product will automatically enter deep sleep mode for 24 hours after the screen is turned off, and the maximum standby time is 56.7 days when the battery is 100%.
*The test data comes from Xiaomi Lab, measured according to the simulated comprehensive battery life scenario, and may vary due to different test environments, software versions, etc., please refer to the actual situation.
* The battery capacity test data is from Xiaomi Lab, and the capacity retention rate is ≥80% measured by charging and discharging the battery cell 1000 times in the standard environment of the laboratory, which may vary depending on the environment and software.
* Typical battery is 10000mAh and battery rated is 9800mAh.
*The test data comes from Xiaomi Lab, measured according to the simulated comprehensive battery life scenario, and may vary due to different test environments, software versions, etc., please refer to the actual situation.
* The battery capacity test data is from Xiaomi Lab, and the capacity retention rate is ≥80% measured by charging and discharging the battery cell 1000 times in the standard environment of the laboratory, which may vary depending on the environment and software.
* Typical battery is 10000mAh and battery rated is 9800mAh.
10000mAh ultra-long battery life
on a single full charge, up to 56.7 days standby
on a single full charge, up to 56.7 days standby
HD video
13.8 hours
Literature reading
17.9 hours
Extra-long standby
56.7 days
Redmi Pad
Redmi Pad Pro
CPU Performance +51%
Redmi Pad
Redmi Pad Pro
GPU Performance +100%
Built on the flagship 4nm process, it improves performance while reducing power consumption. Whether it's for work or play, it's easy to respond quickly to your needs; Run multiple programs at the same time and still be handy.
The Snapdragon ® 7S Gen 2 mobile platform
is efficient and versatile
is efficient and versatile
* The data comes from Xiaomi Lab, the test comparison object is Redmi Pad, the actual test results may vary due to different test environment conditions, please refer to the actual situation.
Stereo quad speakers that support Dolby Atmos, with the newly upgraded Dolby Vision, from high-definition sound quality to high-fidelity pictures, the tablet can also feel the cinema-level shocking effect.
It's like you're there through the screen
Dolby Atmos quad speakers
take your home with you in a private theater
take your home with you in a private theater
Xiaomi's surging interconnection
pro-level experience
pro-level experience
The first Redmi tablet
equipped with Xiaomi's surging OS from the factory realizes a refreshing experience of full ecological depth and cross-terminal intelligent connection
, and the silky and smooth interconnection
Redmi Pad Pro
is your first full-ecological connected tablet
equipped with Xiaomi's surging OS from the factory realizes a refreshing experience of full ecological depth and cross-terminal intelligent connection
, and the silky and smooth interconnection
Redmi Pad Pro
is your first full-ecological connected tablet
* The data comes from Xiaomi Lab, and the comparison object is the Redmi Pad Pro when AI boot acceleration, focus scheduling, and dynamic performance scheduling are not effective, and the actual usage varies slightly depending on the environment.
Fluency improvements
Real-time monitoring of key nodes
and rapid scheduling of hardware resources
and rapid scheduling of hardware resources
Dynamic performance scheduling
The overall power consumption is reduced
The performance of focused applications is improved
, and the power consumption of non-focused applications is reduced
, and the power consumption of non-focused applications is reduced
Focus scheduling
Startup speed increased
app preloading based on user habits to improve startup speed
app preloading based on user habits to improve startup speed
AI-Initiated Acceleration
Hardware and software integration for smooth collaboration
AI speed accelerates creation
AI speed accelerates creation
Smooth optimization
Silky multi-screen
allows information to flow seamlessly
allows information to flow seamlessly
Tablets and mobile phones
* This feature is only supported by Redmi Pad Pro, and requires a mobile phone and tablet to be logged in to the same Mi account.
* Xiaomi 14 Ultra currently supports this function, Redmi Turbo 3 can only be used after OTA upgrade support, other models will be updated and supported later, please refer to the actual usage.
* Xiaomi 14 Ultra currently supports this function, Redmi Turbo 3 can only be used after OTA upgrade support, other models will be updated and supported later, please refer to the actual usage.
When there is no Wi-Fi available nearby, the tablet will automatically prompt you whether to connect to the mobile network, and you can access the Internet with one click, without turning on the hotspot or entering the password.
5G tethering
One click into the network
One click into the network
With the Mi Magic Share desktop opened through the same Mi account, notifications, calls, and applications on the mobile phone can be opened on the tablet, and files and pictures can be dragged and dropped to transfer across terminals, seamlessly relaying.
Flexible access to cross-device cameras
When making a video call on a tablet, you can call the mobile phone camera with one click, you can share the picture, and you can also synchronize the information on the whiteboard, which greatly improves the communication efficiency.
, we can boost our creativity
, we can boost our creativity
Tablets & Computers
The cross-screen is no longer limited by the system, the tablet now supports wireless secondary screens with other Windows computers, and in the WIFI environment, it is easy to realize dual-screen browsing, cross-screen work, and the efficiency is doubled.
There are no restrictions on the wireless secondary screen
Move the mouse to the edge of the screen to trigger keyboard and mouse sharing, one keyboard and mouse control two sets of devices, and easily realize cross-screen collaboration from computer to tablet.
* The keyboard and mouse sharing function requires that the computer and tablet have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on and have logged in to the same Mi account.
Keyboard and mouse sharing
is said to be connected
is said to be connected
It's a tablet and a computer drawing board, through the right click of WPS on the computer to call Pad Xiaomi creation, you can open the screen on the tablet hand-drawing, complete the creation that is difficult to carry out with the mouse, and you can easily draw without the sketchpad around.
* The follow-up OTA upgrade of the function is expected to be pushed in mid-April, subject to the actual push time.
* It needs to be used with a Xiaomi/Redmi notebook with Mi PC Manager installed, log in to the same Mi account, Mi PC Manager, WPS Office (PC side), and Mi Creation are all upgraded to the latest version, please refer to the actual product for specific usage methods.
* It needs to be used with a Xiaomi/Redmi notebook with Mi PC Manager installed, log in to the same Mi account, Mi PC Manager, WPS Office (PC side), and Mi Creation are all upgraded to the latest version, please refer to the actual product for specific usage methods.
The WPS cross-device sketch
tablet is also an artboard
tablet is also an artboard
keyboard-style double-sided protective case
keyboard-style double-sided protective case
PC-level typing experience
inspired stylus
inspired stylus
Redmi's first active pen
* The first refers to the active stylus developed by Redmi for the first time for tablets, as well as the Bluetooth keyboard-type double-sided protective case for tablets, and does not refer to other smart pens and pen products that are not Redmi tablets, or external mechanical Bluetooth keyboards for computers and laptops.
A full set of ecological accessories is a good partner
for productivity
for productivity
Metallic Proquality
*The weight and thickness data are from Xiaomi Lab, and the thickness does not include protrusions such as cameras, and the
actual situation may vary slightly depending on the test method and environment.
* The all-in-one body refers to the back cover of the product, excluding the camera deco, buttons, card slots, etc.
actual situation may vary slightly depending on the test method and environment.
* The all-in-one body refers to the back cover of the product, excluding the camera deco, buttons, card slots, etc.
The newly upgraded metal integrated body has a smooth feel and outstanding texture.
The dual-ring camera Deco design, the innovative technology cleverly hides the antenna, simple and elegant.
The dual-ring camera Deco design, the innovative technology cleverly hides the antenna, simple and elegant.
The all-metal integrated fuselage
is good-looking, and it is even more optimistic
is good-looking, and it is even more optimistic
Light bay blue
Smoky green
Dark gray
Three-color trendy color matching is available, making it easy to grasp the sense of fashion and technological beauty.
* For the specific release date of the light bay blue color host, please pay attention to the official website for update information.
Trendy colorways
make you outstanding
make you outstanding
Accidental fall scene
Squeeze impact scene
Extreme environment scenes
More than 30 rigorous quality tests
face the unexpected, no longer "unexpected"
face the unexpected, no longer "unexpected"
A hardcore tablet with Corning Gorilla screens that has been tested for more than 30 stringent qualities.
Maintain stable operation in a variety of daily environments, and remain robust and reliable in the face of accidental drops or extrusions.
Maintain stable operation in a variety of daily environments, and remain robust and reliable in the face of accidental drops or extrusions.
* The above quality test data comes from Xiaomi Lab, and the daily environment does not include extreme weather, underwater and other special environments, and the actual situation is slightly different depending on the test method and environment.
* As a precision electronic product, the tablet still has the risk of damage when dropped, so please pay attention to avoid falling and colliding in daily use.
* As a precision electronic product, the tablet still has the risk of damage when dropped, so please pay attention to avoid falling and colliding in daily use.
Parents remotely guard the platform
Even if you are on a business trip or working overtime, you can realize remote escort by viewing device usage reports, setting usage hours, and channel management. Easily protect your child's growth process.
* Users need to manually enable this function in (Parental Guardian - Remote Control), and scan the WeChat QR code provided by the system, bind it to enter the Mi Parental Assistant.
* The controlled end (Mi Education Center) must log in to the Mi account to enable the remote control function, and the control end needs to click on the remote guard issued by the Mini Program or the official account to enter.
* The controlled end (Mi Education Center) must log in to the Mi account to enable the remote control function, and the control end needs to click on the remote guard issued by the Mini Program or the official account to enter.
Health Guardian Reminder
has been fully upgraded
has been fully upgraded
Sit upright to protect your eyesight
The health guardian reminder has been comprehensively upgraded, and on the basis of eye protection mode, shaking reminder, and screen distance detection, hearing protection and light over-dimming reminder functions have been added. A variety of guardian modes, parents and teachers are not around, and the tablet can also be used for health reminders at any time.
Screen distance detection
Shake reminder
Night Light mode
Alert when the light is too dark
Hearing protection
Certification of products for the protection of minors
The tablet has been rigorously tested and certified for the protection of minors, and encourages healthy habits from an early age through emotional design and timely positive feedback.
* The certification of juvenile protection products is based on the Technical Specifications for the Certification of Juvenile Protection on Smart Mobile Terminals.
Ranged ward
Vision protection
Hearing protection
Application management
Duration management
Content management
Rich configuration
Proto the end
Proto the end
* Wi-Fi 6 requires a router that supports Wi-Fi 6.
* The Wi-Fi performance improvement data is laboratory test data, and the comparison object is Redmi Pad, the actual usage varies due to different usage conditions and environments, please refer to the actual experience.
* The Mi Education Center Season Card is valid for 3 months from the activation of the Pad, please pay attention to the official website for the specific validity period.
* From the date of purchase of the device until April 15, 2026, open and register Hong'en Little Painter to enjoy 6 months of Xiaomi exclusive content for free.
* The Wi-Fi performance improvement data is laboratory test data, and the comparison object is Redmi Pad, the actual usage varies due to different usage conditions and environments, please refer to the actual experience.
* The Mi Education Center Season Card is valid for 3 months from the activation of the Pad, please pay attention to the official website for the specific validity period.
* From the date of purchase of the device until April 15, 2026, open and register Hong'en Little Painter to enjoy 6 months of Xiaomi exclusive content for free.
headphone jack
headphone jack
Support wired headphones,
enjoy good sound exclusively
enjoy good sound exclusively
Start shooting, hold meetings,
and shoot together
and shoot together
The front lens is centered on the portrait, the
video conference C position appears, and the
rear lens flash shoots the document more clearly
video conference C position appears, and the
rear lens flash shoots the document more clearly
Up to 1.5TB
storage expansion
storage expansion
Massive content to take away
Wi-Fi 6 standard is supported
2x2 MIMO, dual-channel data transmission and reception, 160MHz large bandwidth,
network speed soaring.
network speed soaring.
The maximum bandwidth is increased
The peak download rate has been increased
Once stunning the
world, the classic design aesthetic
that is still influencing the world
from legendary magical masterpieces has been baptized by trends, but it has become more and more irreplaceable
. For the first time, Porter and Redmi Pad Pro are sincerely presenting a joint work
to make a classic with time, and defeat time with a classic
world, the classic design aesthetic
that is still influencing the world
from legendary magical masterpieces has been baptized by trends, but it has become more and more irreplaceable
. For the first time, Porter and Redmi Pad Pro are sincerely presenting a joint work
to make a classic with time, and defeat time with a classic
Spiral staircase themed silver cardboard inner box
Hogwarts School Emblem Classic Gift Box
The three-dimensional laser school emblem
is like a gold brand
is like a gold brand
Double anodized matte
metallic finish
metallic finish
"Hogwarts School Emblem"
Custom-made metal body with classic patterns
Custom-made metal body with classic patterns
Double anodizing process, micron-level 3D laser repeated engraving, magic
texture lifelike
texture lifelike
Theme custom gift box|theme custom body|theme element accessories
The Hogwarts Back-to-School Theme Collection returns
to that world of imagination
to that world of imagination
Four College Elements
Theme Stickers
Theme Stickers
Hogwarts spiral staircase
theme wallpaper
theme wallpaper
Magic book style
double-sided protective case
double-sided protective case
Inspired by magic books, it's sturdy and reliable enough to protect your imagination.
The classic wand-style pen shape with a dark brown color scheme, the pen is "like a god".
"Letter of Admission" tablet storage bag
Admission letter style shape|skin-friendly material|fire paint seal magnetic opening and closing
Magic-themed elements, custom accessories, on top of the
classics, reshape the classics
classics, reshape the classics
Dark gray
Smoky green
Light bay blue
- 12.1-inch flagship eye care large screen
- 2.5K ultra-clear resolution
- 120Hz multi-stop variable refresh rate
- the first Xiaomi Tsingshan eye care tablet
- triple TÜV Rheinland eye care certification
- 2.5K ultra-clear resolution
- 120Hz multi-stop variable refresh rate
- the first Xiaomi Tsingshan eye care tablet
- triple TÜV Rheinland eye care certification
10000mAh large battery, ultra-long standby,
equipped with Xiaomi surging OS, four speakers, Dolby Vision|Dolby Atmos,
all-metal integrated body
equipped with Xiaomi surging OS, four speakers, Dolby Vision|Dolby Atmos,
all-metal integrated body
* The above data is Xiaomi laboratory test data, and the actual results may vary slightly according to different measurement methods in the industry.
Exterior dimensions
Length: 280mmWidth: 181.85mm
Thickness: 7.52mm
Weight: 571g
Mobile platform
SoC process: 4nm processCPU: octa-core processor, up to 2.4GHz
GPU: Adreno™ GPU graphics processor
The second-generation Snapdragon ®7S mobile platform
Memory capacity
RAM: 6GB / 8GB LPDDR4x High Speed MemoryBody Storage: 128GB/256GB UFS2.2 High Speed Storage
(Support Micro SD Card Expansion, Up to 1.5TB)
6GB+128GB / 8GB+128GB / 8GB+256GB
* The actual usable capacity will be reduced and vary due to a number of factors: the actual usable space is less than the identified memory capacity due to the fact that the operating system is running and occupies part of the memory (RAM);
* Due to the installed operating system and pre-installed programs taking up part of the flash memory (ROM), the actual available storage space is less than the identified flash memory capacity.
* Due to the installed operating system and pre-installed programs taking up part of the flash memory (ROM), the actual available storage space is less than the identified flash memory capacity.
Size: 12.1 inchesResolution
: 2560 × 1600
PPI: 249Screen
type: LCD
refresh rate: up to 120 Hz
Finger touch sampling rate: up to 180Hz
stylus touch sampling rate: 240Hz
Global Maximum Brightness: 600nit
Contrast Ratio: 1500:1
CERTIFICATION & TESTING: VISUAL HEALTH FRIENDLINESS S++ CERTIFICATION|TÜV Rheinland Hardware-Level Low Blue Light Certification|TÜV Rheinland Flicker-Free Certification|
TÜV Rheinland Rhythm Friendly Certification|68.7 Billion Colors|Sunshine Screen|Classic Eye Protection|Rhythm Eye Protection|True Color Display|Dolby Vision丨
Hand/Pen 10x Touch Super Resolution
: 2560 × 1600
PPI: 249Screen
type: LCD
refresh rate: up to 120 Hz
Finger touch sampling rate: up to 180Hz
stylus touch sampling rate: 240Hz
Global Maximum Brightness: 600nit
Contrast Ratio: 1500:1
CERTIFICATION & TESTING: VISUAL HEALTH FRIENDLINESS S++ CERTIFICATION|TÜV Rheinland Hardware-Level Low Blue Light Certification|TÜV Rheinland Flicker-Free Certification|
TÜV Rheinland Rhythm Friendly Certification|68.7 Billion Colors|Sunshine Screen|Classic Eye Protection|Rhythm Eye Protection|True Color Display|Dolby Vision丨
Hand/Pen 10x Touch Super Resolution
12.1-inch 2.5K ultra-clear eye protection screen
Camera system
Short video recording丨Countdown photo丨AI beautification
1080P video capture at 30 fps
720P video capture at 30 fps
720P video capture at 30 fps
Front-facing video capture frame rate
Rear video capture frame rate
Document Mode | Short Video Recording | Super Night Scene |Custom Watermark | HDR | ID Card Photocopy Mode
1080P video capture at 30 fps
720P video capture at 30 fps
720P video capture at 30 fps
8-megapixel ultra-wide lens on the
front and 8-megapixel main camera on the rear
front and 8-megapixel main camera on the rear
Data transmission
Charging range
USB Type-C reversible charging port
, 33W wired fast charging
, QC3+ / QC3.0 / QC2.0 / PD3.0 / PD2.0 fast charging protocol / MI FC1.0 fast charging
, 33W wired fast charging
, QC3+ / QC3.0 / QC2.0 / PD3.0 / PD2.0 fast charging protocol / MI FC1.0 fast charging
The whole machine has a 10000mAh (typ) / 9800mAh (min)
built-in single-cell high energy density battery, which is not removable
built-in single-cell high energy density battery, which is not removable
10000mAh (typ) super power
Data connection
WLAN protocols: WiFi 6, WiFi 5, WiFi 4 and 802.11a/b/g
WLAN frequency: 2.4G WiFi | 5G WiFi
supports 2x2 MIMO, WiFi Direct, Miracast, MU-MIMO
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.2
supports IPv6
WLAN frequency: 2.4G WiFi | 5G WiFi
supports 2x2 MIMO, WiFi Direct, Miracast, MU-MIMO
Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5.2
supports IPv6
Video / Audio
Hi-Res Audio Certification丨Stereo Quad Speaker|Dolby Atmos
WeChat/QQ Call Recording|Speaker/Wired Headphone Noise
Cancelling MP4, MKV, 3GP Playback
Dolby Vision
Microphone Quantity:
Number of speakers: 4
Hi-Res Audio Certification丨Stereo Quad Speaker|Dolby Atmos
WeChat/QQ Call Recording|Speaker/Wired Headphone Noise
Cancelling MP4, MKV, 3GP Playback
Dolby Vision
Microphone Quantity:
Number of speakers: 4
Stereo quad-driver speakers Dolby Atmos
Accelerometer|Gyroscope|Front ambient light (color temperature) sensor|Hall sensor丨Geomagnetic
operating system
Xiaomi HyperOS
Android 14
Android 14
Packing list
Tablet host|Power adapter|USB Type-C cable|Card pin丨Manual(including three guarantees)
* This list is only for the whole package, depending on the sales package, the accessories provided outside the package are slightly different, subject to the user's choice at the time of purchase.
Energy efficiency labeling
Level 1 energy efficiencySpecial note:
* In terms of memory and capacity, the actual available capacity will be reduced and vary due to many factors: because the operating system occupies part of the memory (RAM), the actual available space is less than the identified memory capacity; Since the installed operating system and pre-installed programs occupy a portion of the flash memory (ROM), the actual usable storage space is less than the identified flash memory capacity.
* The screen diagram and product description display diagram provided on this website are all reference diagrams, and the actual situation is subject to the actual product.
* Product images, models, data, functions, performance, specifications, user interfaces and other product information are for reference only, Xiaomi may make improvements to the above contents, please refer to the actual product and product manual for specific information. Unless otherwise specified, the data on this website is based on Xiaomi's internal test results, and comparisons are made with Xiaomi's products.
* The general tablets compared on the page are all Xiaomi's own tablets. The actual situation of the data of the whole station will be slightly different depending on the version of the test software, the specific test environment and the specific version. The structural pictures displayed on the whole site are functional diagrams, not absolute actual structures, and the actual structure shall prevail.
* Tablet repair involves professional fixture & maintenance environment, some after-sales stores can not be directly accepted, only provide repair service, please consult the store or customer service details in advance before arriving at the store, thank you for your support.
* In terms of memory and capacity, the actual available capacity will be reduced and vary due to many factors: because the operating system occupies part of the memory (RAM), the actual available space is less than the identified memory capacity; Since the installed operating system and pre-installed programs occupy a portion of the flash memory (ROM), the actual usable storage space is less than the identified flash memory capacity.
* The screen diagram and product description display diagram provided on this website are all reference diagrams, and the actual situation is subject to the actual product.
* Product images, models, data, functions, performance, specifications, user interfaces and other product information are for reference only, Xiaomi may make improvements to the above contents, please refer to the actual product and product manual for specific information. Unless otherwise specified, the data on this website is based on Xiaomi's internal test results, and comparisons are made with Xiaomi's products.
* The general tablets compared on the page are all Xiaomi's own tablets. The actual situation of the data of the whole station will be slightly different depending on the version of the test software, the specific test environment and the specific version. The structural pictures displayed on the whole site are functional diagrams, not absolute actual structures, and the actual structure shall prevail.
* Tablet repair involves professional fixture & maintenance environment, some after-sales stores can not be directly accepted, only provide repair service, please consult the store or customer service details in advance before arriving at the store, thank you for your support.
* The screen diagram and product description display diagram provided on this page are all reference
diagrams, and the actual situation is subject to the actual product.
* Product images, models, data, functions, performance, specifications, user interfaces and other product information may change due to factors such as product batches or supplier changes, Xiaomi may make improvements to the above contents, please refer to the actual product and product manual for specific information.
* Unless otherwise specified, the comparisons involved in this page are all comparisons with Xiaomi products, and the data are provided by our laboratory data, design technical parameters and suppliers, and the actual situation of the whole site data will be slightly different due to the different test software versions, specific test environments, specific versions and measurement methods in the industry, and the actual use experience shall prevail
* The service content provided by third-party partners may be due to copyright, Changes in business or technical conditions are subject to change without separate notice.
* Product images, models, data, functions, performance, specifications, user interfaces and other product information may change due to factors such as product batches or supplier changes, Xiaomi may make improvements to the above contents, please refer to the actual product and product manual for specific information.
* Unless otherwise specified, the comparisons involved in this page are all comparisons with Xiaomi products, and the data are provided by our laboratory data, design technical parameters and suppliers, and the actual situation of the whole site data will be slightly different due to the different test software versions, specific test environments, specific versions and measurement methods in the industry, and the actual use experience shall prevail
* The service content provided by third-party partners may be due to copyright, Changes in business or technical conditions are subject to change without separate notice.
Redmi is a technology brand for young people under the Xiaomi Group. It aims to create high-quality mobile phones and
smart hardware products for young people around the world with a flagship experience that exceeds expectations. Adhere to the brand concept of "love regardless of everything" and stand with young people around the world.
smart hardware products for young people around the world with a flagship experience that exceeds expectations. Adhere to the brand concept of "love regardless of everything" and stand with young people around the world.
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